Mary Papas
From a very young age I started sketching people, animals and the scenery around me.
At age 14, I enrolled for my first course in sketching and line drawing at the 'ABC' Art School in Europe.
At school I enjoyed the Art class more than any other subject, except for maths, another favorite of mine.
Later, when I could dedicate more time to art, I attended painting classes for four years developing and learning different styles and techniques with leading Art teachers and another three years for abstract studies learning to think and express these thoughts and ideas in an abstract way.
When painting, I always have a concept in mind taken from the world around me. Living in four different countries of diverse religions and cultures through my growing-up years, has prepared me for a spiritual journey in which I can only express in my paintings.
My preferred method of painting is with a palette knife. I like the clarity of the undiluted buttery texture of the paint and the sharp contrast of the different hues. I like to sculpt my shapes on my two dimensional surfaces.