and exhibit your art
ART under the SUN is an association for artists and photographers to attend and display their own work on the first weekend of every month.
We welcome all atrists to join us at
Hurlingham Park on the 1st Sunday of every month. Please call or message Gunther Stammer on 083 227 0087 or email him on
We require that you exhibit at least five paintings or artworks that must be ‘ready to hang’ i.e. framed or neat sides in the case of panels.
Set up starts from 08h00 and all must be ready with cars off the field by 09h00. The exhibition wraps up at 16h00. Please resepct that and
do not leave early. It leaves a very bad impression. We are here for the public.
For special events, where selection of artwork and artisits to exhibit is required, your work will be judged by a selection of the Committee or professional artists and/or art teachers. You will be notified of the selection result by e-mail in the week following the selection.
NOTE – A 10% commission on all sales made during the Exhibition, and on any works sold through negotiations started during the period of the exhibition must he paid to ART under the SUN
Commissions are payable via direct deposit into ART under the SUN's FNB current account No. 50330026888, Branch 259 605