Laura Lana
Laura Lana was born in Turin, Italy in 1963. She studied Graphic Design in the early 1980s going to on to working as a graphic artist in the advertising industry. By 1984 she started her own advertising company and had much success and won awards for exhibition stand designs and logo designs. In 1990 she married and started a family as well as opened a framing business, Pendragon Designs, which dealt with framing and promoting new artists through exhibitions. For practical and familial reasons she entered into the tourism business and relinquished the advertising business and framing business but continued to paint as her means of self-expression selling her "psychological portraits" - an exploration of the mind and emotions in the expressionist style - through the, then, Hyde Park Art Gallery. She sells her paintings via word of mouth and through friends in the art world who promote her work in their shops and galleries and exhibits once monthly at ART under the SUN as well as ad hoc exhibitions. Laura currently paints landscapes expressing her need for nature, freedom and openness in the vastness of the land and skies and the stillness of these spaces. Her Bowl series expresses her connection to the unnoticed and unseen - the silently observed. Her Ocean Series is an expression sanctuary and release. The contemporary "Energy" and "Harmony in Chaos" series are an expression joy, freedom and the unison of sensation, movement and light. Her "Ebb & Flow" series depicts constant change, the grouping together and moving apart. Patterns in human dynamics. The latest series "Colour of Sound" , is energy expressed in in rythms rising and falling, warm and cool all in a dance of harmony. Enjoy!